Canadian Certified Playground Inspector's Directory


Companies listed on this directory have paid an administration fee to be on this list. Listed organizations employ one or more individual(s) who have successfully achieved their CPSI certification as a CPRA Canadian Certified Playground Inspector. This information is provided to you for your use to find a certified playground inspector. The list is not a full listing of Canadian Certified Playground Inspectors. The Canadian Playground Safety Institute and the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and the Associated Provincial and Territorial partners do not recommend or endorse any particular company and suggests that you check references and ensure the company you contract to inspect your playground carries appropriate liability insurance.

OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Apple Playsafe InspectionsDell Harrison20652 94 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5T 7M8
Tel: (780)
Apr. 09, 2027
CanPlay Playground Inspection Corp.Scott RenaudCalgary. ABTel. (403) 613-0736canplayinspect@gmail.comMay. 11, 2026
Certified Playground InspectionsDerek Giesbrecht, P.Eng8440 45 Street
Edmonton, AB T6B 2N6
Cell: (780) 919-1042derekg@certifiedplaygrounds.caSep. 26, 2026
H Wilson IndustriesBrad Friesen1045 Memorial Dr 63 N
Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0K4
Tel.: (780) 531-8113bfriesen@hwilson.netApr. 30, 2027
HHS Contracting Inc.William HornerSkyview Tower, Suite #69117
Edmonton, AB T6V 1G7
Tel: (866) 401-7669info@hhscanada.comApr. 10, 2027
Little Horn EnterprisesGlen Freeborn243156 Range Road 32
Calgary, AB T3Z 2E3
Tel: (403) 620-1420littlehorn@telus.netMay. 30, 2027
Littlewood's Safety Auditing Ltd.Jean LittlewoodBox 5567
Bonnyville, Alta. T9N 2G6
Tel: (780) 573-8148jean@littlewoodsaudits.comMay. 11, 2026
MacQueen Playground InstallationsTroy MacQueen#20-52132 Range Road 274
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3V2
Tel: (780) 909-1474mpiplaygrounds@gmail.comDec. 29, 2025
Parkland Playground Consulting Ltd.Steve DavisonBox 1598
Blackfalds, AB TOM 0J0
Tel: (403) 506-4799parklandplaygrounds@shaw.caFeb. 19, 2027
Peak Play Consulting Corp.Trevor Zahara14420, 154 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6V 0K5
Tel: (780) 475-2669
Fax: (780) 475-2686
trevor@peakplay.caDec. 03, 2027
Quantum RecreationJason Simituk130, 10309 – 107 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 1K3
TF: (855) 363-7282
Tel: (587) 404-1665
Fax: (587) 316-1916
Jun. 13, 2027
Softline SolutionsEdward Hughes4611 Morris Road
Edmonton, AB T6B 2V9
Tel: (780) 462-3133
Fax: (780) 462-0863
inspections@softlinesolutions.netJun. 02, 2027
Sport Safety & Inspections Ltd.Jayden PeleGrande Praire, ABTel: (780) 814-4099pele@sportsafetyinspections.caNov. 03, 2026
British Columbia
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Active Play RecreationCasey SavoieMaple Ridge, BCTel: (604)
Aug. 24, 2027
Active Play RecreationNick SavoieMaple Ridge, BCTel: (604)
Feb. 06, 2028
Apple Playsafe InspectionsDell Harrison#1 - 1790 Box 442
Fruitvale, BC. V0G 1L0
Tel: (780)
Apr. 09, 2027
Bugaboo Designs Ltd.Jonah Schmunk1103 - 11871 Horseshoe Way
Richmond, BC V7A 5H5
Tel: (250)
Jan. 09, 2028
Certified Playground InspectionsNathaniel Drew, EITVictoria, BCTel: (780)
Feb. 07, 2028
Expert Access IncTim RichardsBox 1111
Ladysmith BC V9G 1A7
Tel: (250) 616-7042timrichards@shaw.caOct. 18, 2026
Habitat Systems Inc.Colin Leslie3762 Napier Street
Burnaby, BC VSC 3E5
Tel: (604) 294-4224
Fax: (604) 294-4002
info@habitat-systems.comJan. 14, 2027
Kootenay Playspace DesignCharles Reynolds Sr.P.O. Box 2
Grey Creek, BC V0B 1S0
Tel: (250) 227-6944chasreynolds2@gmail.comApr. 18, 2026
Midnight Sun Landscaping Ltd.Sandra Calnan4032 Butters Road
Scotch Creek, BC V0E 1M5
Tel: (250) 263-4965
Fax: (250) 787-8763
midsun2@telus.netApr. 08, 2025
Noratek Solutions Inc.Alan Kavanaugh200 - 1840 3rd Avenue
Prince George, BC V2M 1G4
Tel: (250),
Dec. 16, 2027
Quantum RecreationJeremiah HuoPark Place, 666 Burrard St Suite 500
Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6
Tel: (855) 363-7282Jeremiah@quantumrecreation.caMay. 11, 2026
Rectec Industries INC.Greg Howden14-7228 Progress Way
Delta BC V4G 1H2
Tel: (604) 940-0067
Fax: (604) 940-0162
admin@rectecindustries.comJun. 21, 2026
Urban Appeal Landscaping Ltd.Stephen Casson457 Dene Dr,
Kamloops, BC V2H 7J7
Tel: (250) 377-8257steve@landscpaping.comMar. 01, 2027
W8 Transport Ltd.Shawn Wilson9210 Ellis Road
Prince George BC V2N 6E3
Tel: (250) 963-8829
Fax: (250) 963-8178
W8trans@telus.netMar. 02, 2025
Westplay CorpChristian GarciaVancouver, BC
Abbotsford, BC
Tel: (604) 424-4168
Fax: (604) 424-4184
Oct. 21, 2027
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
JTW EnterprisesJohn Thompson-Ward2021 Norris Road
Winnipeg, MB R2G 4C1
Tel: (204) 880-0036myfosse143@gmail.comNov. 09, 2025
LandForum Landscape ArchitectsBlaise Lachiver, MALA, CSLA47 Triton Bay
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3E8
Tel: (204) 296-9833blachiver@landforum.caJan. 02, 2028
Machine Safety ServicesMichael WaiteBox 350
Sandy Hook, MB R0C 2W0
Tel: (204) 963-8221mwaite@live.caApr. 28, 2026
New Brunswick
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Clintar Commercial Outdoor ServicesCorey J. Williams255 Caledonia Road
Moncton, NB E1H 2E8
Tel: (506) 384-1500
Fax: (506) 384-1501
corey.williams@clintar.comAug. 09, 2025
Newfoundland and Labrador
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Coastline Specialties Ltd.Seth Pike46 Robin Hood Bay Road
St. John’s, NL A1A 5V3
Tel: (709) 726-9155 ext:3
Fax: (709) 726-9156
seth@coastlinespecialties.caFeb. 14, 2026
EMCO Corp.Colin Doyle18 Bruce Street
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4T4
Tel: (709) 728-8859cdoyle@emcoltd.comMar. 01, 2027
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
ABC Recreation LtdShelley Wagner-Trombley150 Martin Street
Limoges. ON K0A 2M0
Tel: (613) 366-1933shelley@abcrecreation.comMay. 24, 2027
Active Recreation Inc.Shannon West500 Ensantina Crescent
Ottawa, ON K2J 6H4
Tel: (613) 591-7772info@activerecreation.caNov. 15, 2027
Green Lights Environmental SolutionsMike Moellenkamp22 Brady Street, Unit 4
Sudbury, ON P3E 6E1
Tel: (705) 665-3719info@greenlightsinc.caMay. 12, 2025
Harvey & Kells Consultants Inc.Andrew Harvey4 - 44 St. Andrew Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 5E9
Tel: (613) 728-0847andrew@harvey-kells.caJan. 17, 2027
Jeff Elliot Playground InspectionJeff Elliot212 Bellehaven Drive
Waterloo ON N2J 3L2
Tel: (519) 883-8224jeffelliotplaygroundinspection@live.comJan. 14, 2028
MSEMitko Mancevski, P.Eng.7 Swiss Court
Toronto ON M2M 4E2
Tel: (416) 900-2245
Fax: (416) 226-2809
design@mstructural.caMay. 04, 2027
Pegasus Playground ServicesDenesh Maharajh9 McGuire Trail
Caledon, ON L7E 0E3
Tel: (416)
May. 16, 2027
Playscape Inspection & Consulting ServicesDavid Jackson7 D’Aubigny Road
Brantford, ON N3T 6J2
Tel: (519) 861-7529dave@playscapeinspection.comJul. 06, 2026
Quantum RecreationJason Simituk3080 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4N 3N1
TF: (855) 363-7282
Tel: (587) 404-1665
Fax: (587) 316-1916
Jun. 13, 2027
Rec-Check Inspections Inc.Lisa Jacuniak100 Copernicus Blvd., Unit 1
Brantford, Ontario N3P 1K5
Tel: (519) 758-8800ljacuniak@pariscrane.caMar. 14, 2027
Rec-Check Inspections Inc.Rebecca Bodanis668 Millway Ave, Suite 2Tel: (905) 760-1705rebecca@osborne.caDec. 10, 2025
Reporting Services North AmericaScott Belair149 Humbercrest Boulevard
Toronto ON M6S 4L5
Tel: (416)
Mar. 28, 2027
SBS Asset Association Inc.Sanaul Sarker13 Fisher Crescent
Ajax, ON L1T2E7
Tel: (416) 729-3898sanaulsarker@gmail.comApr. 14, 2026
Safe Play Recreation IncAndy Constantinou295 Kenneth Avenue
Kitchener, ON N2A 1W5
Tel: (519) 885-1103
TF: 1-877-227-2779
Fax: (519) 885-2768
andy@safeplayrec.comNov. 30, 2025
Skyle ConsultingLin Shen501 - 1 Royal Orchard Blvd.
Markham ON L3T 3C2
Tel: (416) 565-2140skyleconsulting@gmail.comMar. 23, 2027
Stay Safe Contracting Ltd.Brayden Eelkema56 Lilywood Drive
Cambridge, ON N1P1H2
Tel: (519) 774-5637sales@staysafecontracting.caApr. 11, 2025
Vant Play Equipment Inc.Jacqui Marshall1661 Colborne St. East
Brantford, ON N3T 5L4
Tel: (416) 720-6911jacqui@vantplayequipment.comJun. 05, 2025
Vant Play Equipment Inc.Stephen Ames1661 Colborne St. East
Brantford, ON N3T 5L4
Tel: (519) 720-6911s.ames@bell.netMar. 08, 2026
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Harvey & Kells Consultants Inc.Andrew Harvey4 - 44 St. Andrew Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 5E9
Tel: (613) 728-0847andrew@harvey-kells.caJan. 17, 2027
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Northland RecreationJerome PratchlerBox 280
Muenster, SK S0K 2Y0
Tel: (306)
Mar. 11, 2027
Playgrounds-R-UsSerge GetteRegina, SKTel: (306) 596-7009
Fax: (204) 632-7421
serge@pru.caAug. 25, 2025
Quantum RecreationJason Simituk111 2 Ave S Unit 400
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1K6
TF: (855) 363-7282
Tel: (587) 404-1665
Fax: (587) 316-1916
Jun. 13, 2027
Taylor Risk Solutions Inc.Doug Taylor82 Red River Road
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1G3
Tel : (306) 281-4657doug@taylorrisksolutions.caApr. 07, 2025
OrganizationNameAddressContact InfoWeb / EmailCertification Expiry
Robin WheelerRobin WheelerBox 1178,
Marsh Lake, YT Y0B 1Y1
Tel: (867) 668-2804rowheel@icloud.comNov. 16, 2025